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Registering a Complaint

If you find something you're worried or not happy about, we have a procedure to follow to make it easy to sort things out.

Harmony’s A E Ltd.
Complaints Procedure

Complaints Procedure
Harmony AE Ltd is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, young people and vulnerable adults and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.
Harmony AE Ltd aims to provide pupils with high quality teaching and pastoral care. However, where a complaint is made against Harmony AE Ltd staff or a person contracted to work with Harmony AE Ltd, this policy outlines the procedure that will be followed. Any complaints made will be taken extremely seriously and a satisfactory and efficient means of resolution will be sought at the earliest opportunity.
Complaints procedure

Stage 1 – Informal Resolution
It is hoped that for the majority of complaints and concerns a resolution can be achieved quickly and informally.
Complaints by a parent/guardian should be made directly to the Headteachers of Harmony AE Ltd. It is intended that such cases will be resolved immediately in accordance with the parent/guardian’s and young person’s satisfaction, either on the same day as the complaint was made or within five working days.
A written record of all matters relating to the complaint or concern will be kept by the Headteachers of Harmony AE Ltd and dated accordingly. Where a matter cannot be resolved sufficiently within five working days the parent/guardian will be advised to follow formal resolution procedures, in accordance with stage 2.

Stage 2 – Formal Resolution
Where informal resolution cannot satisfactorily resolve matters a written complaint should be made to the Headteachers of Harmony AE Ltd.
Acknowledgement of a written complaint being received will be made within five working days. Details of how the complaint will be dealt with will be given at this time
In most instances, the Headteachers of Harmony A E Ltd will invite the parent/guardian to the centre to discuss the issue directly within ten working days and attempt to agree on a suitable method of resolution at this point. It may become apparent at this point that further investigation into the matter is required. A written and dated record of all meetings and discussions relating to the complaint, and any subsequent investigations, will be kept by the Headteachers of Harmony AE Ltd
Once the Headteachers of Harmony AE Ltd are satisfied that all relevant facts have been gathered regarding the complaint the parent/guardian will be contacted in writing. This will occur no later than fifteen working days after stage 2 proceedings are commenced. The written response to the complaint will outline the method of resolution to be taken and the reason for this decision
Where a parent/guardian is not satisfied with the decision of the Headteachers of Harmony AE Ltd, Stage 3 should be followed.

Stage 3
If a parent/guardian is unhappy with the decision made during stage 2 they are advised to contact the referring school or Local Authority and follow their complaints procedure. Where a young person or vulnerable adult has not been referred through a school or Local Authority then they are advised to contact their own LADO (RBWM 01628 683202, Wokingham 01189 746141, Bucks 01296 382070, Slough 01753 474053).

Complaints by pupils
In matters where a young person wishes to make a complaint, they are advised to speak directly to the Headteachers of Harmony AE Ltd. The complaint will be resolved in five working days, or else the young person or vulnerable adult will be advised that they should ask their parent/guardian to follow the formal complaints procedure.

Signed: S J Baker - Director
Updated: November 2018

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