Harmony Commercial & Business Centre

The business and administrastion centre for Harmony Alternative Education Ltd.
Rev: 2.0 (23/04/2024)

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Below you will find access to reponses for FAQ's. If you are unable to find the details you are seeking, please do not hesitate to contact the Admin Centre using the "Contact Us" form.

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How do I find out more about Harmony's Education Centre
Harmony's Education Centre caters for many different aspects of education of children and young people.

Our Curriculum statement:

"The curriculum offered at The Harmony Centre is tailored to meet the needs of the young people who attend. All young people attending the Centre face a range of ‘barriers to learning’ and the curriculum offer is created to remove as many of these as we can.

More information:

The Centre is designed to ensure that young people have the best possible chance of a successful transition into Education Employment and Training (EET) or on to a suitable education setting. It is also created to ensure that we can offer personalised pathways for students with the most complex need

Whilst the Education Centre includes facilities for children who are de-registered from school, the Centre also serves those who have been excluded permanently or temporarily from traditional state or public schools and students with learning and/or behavioural issues.
The Centre provides an essential range of education topics up to GCSE and "A" Level for children with a wide range of behavioural or educational special needs.

One to one and small group tutoring as well as larger group activities are provided including physical education and art and craft tuition.

Our clients include state and private schools as well as education authorities and a variety of special needs groups.

Harmony Education Centre is based at Maidenhead, Berkshire.
For more details contact us via our Contact Us form and we’ll get back to you to discuss the options.
What are the official contact details of Harmony's Education Centre?
Harmony Alternative Education Ltd.

Directors: Sarah Baker - Victoria Balls

The Education Centre
Lower Mount Farm, Gate 1- Unit 13, Long Lane, Cookham, Berkshire, SL6 9EE
Main Swithchboard - 01628 788314

www.harmonycbc.co.uk | info@harmonycbc.co.uk | Help Line: help@harmonycbc.co.uk
When should I contact the Ed Centre or the Administration Centre?
The Administration Centre deals with the financial, Insurances and legal activities of Harmony A E Ltd and also is the location of Harmony's IT Centre.

The Admin Centre is not permitted to discuss any pupil details, you must contact the Education Centre for this line of questions.

The Education Centre deals with every aspect of the welfare and education cycles of all pupils, which is divided into Junior and Senior pupil departments.

The IT Centre is responsible for ALL Harmony's IT services, including Data storage, Email services and Email accounts, Online services and Harmony's Web site.

The IT Centre also manages all aspects of data access and the login credentials for all personnel for online administration services, together with all online accounts for pupils online learning activities.
How do I apply for a place at Harmony for my Child?
Harmony provide education and services to all special needs children. Most pupils are referred by a school or local authority pupil referral unit but some are directly sponsored by parents or guardians.

In the first instance either discuss your child with the school to discover if there is any opportunity to obtain local authority funding or funding from the school. If there is no opportunity of funding from that route, you can make an appointment at the Harmony Education Centre to discuss your child’s requirements.

On the Education Centre Web site, you can download the Initial Referral Form. However, you may need assistance from the school to complete this form. The Initial Referral Form, is a PDF document which can be downloaded and completed off line.

In all cases Harmony will be please to arrange interviews or informal discussions about your child’s needs.
Can I get a grant or assistance with fees from Harmony?
There is no official route at Harmony to be assisted with payment of fees. However, you can contact your child’s school or the local authority in the area where you live to enquire about assistance with Special Needs Education fees or grants.

Harmony make special concessions where possible with Local Authorities and some schools depending on the number of pupils that are referred to Harmony by them. These concessions can benefit your child indirectly as it enables Local authorities and schools to refer more children for a given budget.

Harmony do, on occasions, discount fees to privately arranged pupil’s parents/guardians. The decision to discount fees lies entirely at the discretion of Harmony's board of directors and their decision is final and will not be reviewed following a decision.

A circumstance where discount may be granted is, for example, financial hardship.

One case does not set a precedent for another.
Can my child get fulltime educatiion from Harmony?
At present, the Harmony Centre is a short stay education provision. This means Harmony does not currently offer full time education like a school. A pupil can only be referred to Harmony for a limited number of hours per week and this varies with the age group. Our week is up to a maximum of 5 week days per week. More details are available on this subject by contacting Harmony.

Pupils do not have to attend every week day and the pupils education plan at the Harmony Centre is agreed in advance with the pupils school and/or the pupils care professional. Where the pupil’s parents have opted their child out of formal education in a State or Public school, the plan is agreed with the parent(s) or guardian.

Harmony have Service Level Agreements with their clients. A client can be a Local Authority, State or Public School, a Parent or Guardian. The Agreement is an “Open Agreement” and the tuition hours will be mutually agreed from time to time up to the previously mentioned maximum. The open agreement means that the attendance, whilst it has to be agreed in advance with Harmony, can be a flexible arrangement to fit in with the pupils other education and/or health and/or personal needs.
How are Harmony's fees paid?
Generally fees are invoiced to the referrer (client) monthly in arrears on a strictly 30 days Net basis. Other payment plans can be agreed, for example advanced payment.
Is there a Contract between Harmony and the client?
It is important to note that Harmony’s Service Level Agreement is a binding contract between, the referrer (Client) and Harmony. There are contractual notice periods required from the referrer for termination of the pupils education at the Harmony Centre. There is a legal obligation to pay Harmony’s fees in full until the Service Level Agreement has been properly terminated - please see Harmony’s Terms and Conditions of business.
What age range do Harmony teach?
Harmony accept pupils of all school ages 5 -18 years of Age.
Do Harmony offer extra carricular studies?
Yes, a wide variety of options are available and it is not necessarily required that the pupil is attending Harmony for mainstream education subjects. Examples are Art and Drama.
Is there the Forest School at Harmony?
There is a Forest School at Harmony, which is run by Primary Principal, Sarah Baker. Please see Contacts page for contact details.

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(R) 2014-2024 Harmony A E Ltd
Telephone us:

+44 (0) 1628 788314

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